Catered to your parish needs:
If your parish would like to host one or more workshops, call the Diocesan Youth Office.
All workshops are approximgely 2 hours long + Q & A
Taken from Ground Zero- moving from "A" to "Z" Workshops!
Highly suggested: Prerequisite: "Comprehensive Youth Ministry Training 101 - an overview of Youth Ministry" but not necessary.
General YM Program Start Up or Re-Start - This workshop gives you a time line to help you succeed with a new or restarting a program or event/activity.
Key Concepts for Youth Ministry - This workshop give you many Key Concepts to help organize and execute your program/Event/Activity
Organizing a Team - This workshop helps parish leaders create a leadership structure for youth ministry that includes youth and adults. The workshop explores the need for a variety of leaders and the reasons why different roles are necessary and helpful in sustaining youth ministry over many years.
Developing Volunteers - This workshop will assist parish leaders in recruiting, training, and supporting adults and youth for volunteer leadership in youth ministry. Included in this workshop are the tools necessary to create the roles descriptions that will assist these volunteers in knowing what they are being asked to do and will help parish leaders in recruiting volunteers based on interests and gifts.
Monetary (Budgeting 101) - This workshop helps your parish grow your budget from a “ZERO” balance, creating a budget plan, Practical and creative insights on how to “do more” ministry “with less” money, fundraising.
Comprehensive Youth Ministry Workshops
This workshop helps parish leaders come to fuller understanding of comprehensive youth ministry as outlined in Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry (USCCB, 1997). The workshop explores the ways that a parish can effectively minister to young people within the context of the parish, including the family and wider community
Community Life
Justice and Service
Leadership Development
Pstoral Care
Prayer and Worship
Contact the Diocesan Youth Office to host one or more workshops at your parish.
This Skills workshops are part of the full Retreat Ministry Training that can be taken individually according to your needs.
It is also open to all 7 th -12 th grade catechist that would like to learn techniques to help share the Catholic faith with those they serve.
Effective Skills for Youth Talks
Small Group Facilitation Skills
Effective Listening Skills
The Art of Preparing Prayer and Worship
Icebreakers, Team Building Activities and Energizers