The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion will be celebrated in the Diocese of Amarillo Sunday, March 9 at 2:30pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
Saturday, Feb. 15 will be the first opportunity to take the Prayer: Types of Prayer segment, the next course being offered in the Faith Formation Basic Course.
An Adult Confirmation Retreat for adults in the Diocese of Amarillo who have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist but not the Sacrament of Confirmation is set for Saturday, April 5 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington, Amarillo.
The final opportunity to take the course on the Liturgy is Saturday, according to Sister María Elena Ferrer, SSND, Coordinator of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.
Sister María Elena Ferrer originally composed this column for the Nov. 3, 2019 issue of The West Texas Catholic. With the focus of the Saturday, Sept. 7 Catechetical Event at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Amarillo, on the Mass, we asked her to freshen up her original composition and this is the result.
Learn more about your Faith through a deeper understanding of the Mass Saturday, Sept. 7 from 9:00am to 12:30pm in the Monsignor Francis A. Smyer Activity Center at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
The Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ will lead a Growth in the Spirit Retreat Saturday, May 18 in the Conference Center at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 4512 NE 24th Ave., Amarillo.
Today is the final opportunity to take the Sacraments of Initiation/Sacramentos de Iniciación segment, the next course being offered in the Faith Formation Basic Course.
The Diocese of Amarillo will celebrate the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Sunday, Feb. 18 at 2:30pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
Four opportunities remain to take the course on the Sacraments of Healing, according to Sister María Elena Ferrer, SSND, Coordinator of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.
School Sister of Notre Dame Sister María Elena Ferrer, coordinator of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Amarillo, offers a reflection regarding Catechetical Sunday 2023.
Two opportunities remain to take the Introduction to Sacred Scripture/Introducción a la Sagrada Escritura segment, the next course being offered in the Faith Formation Basic Course.
The Diocese of Amarillo will celebrate the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Sunday, Feb. 26 at 2:30pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
The Diocese of Amarillo encourages adults who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation the opportunity to prepare for the reception of the Sacrament next spring, according to School Sister of Notre Dame Sister María Elena Ferrer, director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation. La Diócesis de Amarillo ofrece a los adultos que no han recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación la oportunidad de prepararse para recibir el Sacramento en la primavera que viene, informa la Hermana María Elena Ferrer, directora de la Oficina Diocesana de Formación de Fe.