Wednesday, Feb. 21 is the early bird deadline for the Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference (DCYC), scheduled Friday, April 26 through Sunday, April 28 at the Amarillo Civic Center, 401 South Buchanan.
All young ladies in the Diocese of Amarillo are invited to attend and take part in an Authentic Femininity Mini-Retreat Friday, March 15 to Sunday, March 17, presented by the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the Light in the St. Francis House of Prayer at Sancta Maria Convent at 125 John Paul Circle.
All five Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Amarillo have announced plans to celebrate Catholic Schools Week Sunday, Jan. 28 through Saturday, Feb. 3. Activities at the schools are centered around the theme Catholic Schools United in Faith and Community.
The second of five Online Confirmation Retreats, being offered by the Diocesan Youth Office this year is scheduled Friday, Feb. 23 through Sunday, Feb. 25.
It may seem hard to believe, but in this day and age of food insecurity, no full-service food pantries exist in Canyon, or Randall County for that matter.
The Diocese of Amarillo will celebrate the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Sunday, Feb. 18 at 2:30pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.