Immaculate Conception Church, Dimmitt, will host its annual Jamaica Saturday, June 11 from 11:00am to 11:00pm on the grounds of the Castro County Expo Building at 403 SW 4th Street.
Summer has arrived in the Diocese of Amarillo, and the warmer weather means time away from the daily routine for families. One routine that needs to continue is your financial support to your parish and you are encouraged to continue your giving online throughout the summer on the diocesan website,
St. Joseph’s School invites everyone to support the annual School-A-Thon taking place Friday, May 20 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at Southlawn Park, 4417 Parker St., Amarillo.
Eleven members of the Catholic Student Center at West Texas A&M University are among the Spring Graduates who will participate in Commencement Exercises Saturday, May 7 at the First United Bank Center.