Seventeen deacon candidates for the Diocese of Amarillo were installed to the Ministry of Lector during a Nov. 18 Mass, celebrated by Bishop Patrick J. Zurek at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Victor Hugo Andrade, a seminarian studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of Amarillo, will be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate by Bishop Patrick J. Zurek Saturday, Dec. 8 during a 10:30am Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
Parishes throughout the Diocese of Amarillo have announced Mass Schedules for Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 22. A number of parishes are celebrating Thanksgiving Day Mass on Wednesday, Nov. 21.
The final Kolbe Prison Retreat this year is taking place in Childress Thursday, Nov. 29 through Saturday, Dec. 1 at the T.L. Roach Unit and several items for the retreat are still needed, according to Deacon Andy Gonzalez, diocesan Prison Ministry Coordinator.
The next segment in the Faith Formation Basic Course, Sacraments of Initiation, will be offered in the Diocese of Amarillo in October and November, according to School Sister of Notre Dame Sister María Elena Ferrer, diocesan coordinator of Faith Formation.