The public is invited to celebrate the 34th anniversary of the Capuchin Sisters presence in the Diocese of Amarillo Saturday, Aug. 15, according to Mary Louise Vigil, president of the Capuchin Spiritual Alliance.
A Retrouvaille Weekend will be offered in the Diocese of Amarillo Friday, Aug. 14 through Sunday, Aug. 16 at the Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center, 2100 North Spring.
The sixth annual Diocesan Faith Formation Conference for all parish leaders, catechists, Catholic school teachers, lectors, RCIA leaders, parents and all involved in parish ministry will take place Saturday, Aug. 1 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
The 2015-16 school year for Catholic students will begin with a half-day of classes on Wednesday, Aug. 19 and full days on Thursday, Aug. 20 and Friday, Aug. 21.
Pastoral Council members at St. Joseph’s Church, along with all the pastoral leadership with representatives of all the communities within the parish have agreed to adopt St. Mary’s Parish in Panreing, Sudan as a “sister parish.”
The 23nd Annual Charity Golf Classic, hosted by Knights of Columbus Council #1450 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, is set for Saturday, July 25 at Comanche Trails Arrowhead Golf Course, 4200 South Grand.
There have been numerous requests to post Bishop Patrick J. Zurek’s homily from his Mass of Thanksgiving for Vocations, celebrating his 40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Here is that homily: