All young men in the Diocese of Amarillo between the ages of 16 and 40 are invited to attend Pizza With Priests Friday, June 15, beginning at 6:30pm in the Dwelling Youth Room at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4100 South Coulter.
On April 18, Bishop Patrick J. Zurek and Louise Ross, Chairperson of the Amarillo Diocesan Charter Review Board, authorized the implementation of the revised “Amarillo Diocese Safe Environment Policy” along with the revised “Appendix ’F’ Code of Pastoral Conduct.”
A sea of purple shirts filled the Amarillo Civic Center and St. Thomas the Apostle Church April 13-15 for the annual Diocesan Youth Rally. Attendance for this year’s rally was 925, according to Oscar Guzman, Diocesan Youth Director.
I would like to call attention to a very important aspect of our Catholic Christian faith: we are called to be not only good Catholics in faithfully following the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to be the very best citizens of the particular country in which we reside. It does not matter if we were born here or if we came as a migrant to the United States—