CYM 101 Training Scheduled Amarillo—A Comprehensive Youth Ministry 101 training will be offered Saturday, Aug. 27, beginning at 10:00am at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 4512 NE 24th Ave., in Amarillo.
Those who are contact people to the Diocesan Youth Office are highly recommended to attend this meeting, and if possible, to bring the full core team from their parish as well, according to Diocesan Youth Director Oscar Guzman.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, Aug. 23 at 5:00pm and there is no cost to attend. Online training is also available through Sunday, Sept. 11, on the diocesan website,
For additional details or to register for the Aug. 27 gathering, please contact Guzman at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 806-383-2243, ext. 118 or via email, [email protected].
Youth Ministry Network Scheduled Amarillo—Thursday, Sept. 1 is the deadline to register for a Youth Ministry Network meeting on Saturday, Sept. 3 from noon to 4:00pm at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 4512 NE 24th Ave., in Amarillo.
Discussions for this meeting will focus on a comment made during the Synodal Youth Dialogue at last April’s DCYC: "We hope younger people would have more opportunities to help make decisions in the parish. We also hope there will be more gatherings for us year-round, on the Diocesan level.”
According to Diocesan Youth Director Oscar Guzman, Youth Ministry Network is for Parish Youth Leaders and Core Team members to gather and share ideas, hopes, dreams and resources for youth ministry.
“Parish Teen Leadership and/or Diocesan Youth Council members are highly encouraged and welcome to attend this gathering as we work for the benefit of the whole diocese,” he said.
The meeting will include a Pot Luck meal, with attendees encouraged to bring a favorite dessert and drink to share with others. Register online at on contact Guzman at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 806-383-2243, ext. 118.