Amarillo—Knights of Columbus Council #4635 at St. Laurence Church will sponsor a Labor Day Bash Saturday, Sept. 3, beginning at noon at 4510 NE 24th, adjacent to the Columbus Home Association.
The day will include a Mud Volleyball Tournament, a Barbecue Smoke Off, a Horseshoe Tournament, music from a mobile DJ and food. The Labor Day Bash is sponsored by Gene Messer Ford and Lincoln of Amarillo and United Supermarkets.
• The Mud Volleyball Tournament begins at 9:00am. Entry fee is $120 per team. All teams must have at least two women and there is a three game guarantee. To sign up or for more information, please call Adam Ramos at 626-6182.
• Entry fee for the Barbecue Smokeoff is $100 per team. All teams must provide meat. Categories are Brisket, Spare Ribs and Chicken Thighs. There will be a 100% payout. Contact Omar Ramos to sign up or for additional details at 382-4636.
• The Horseshoe Tournament will begin at 3:00pm, with singles and doubles brackets. Entry fee for singles is $20.00 per person and $30.00 for doubles. For more information or to sign up, please call Ace Garcia at 206-8762.